

Efficiency. Apparently that's what the Korean medical system is all about. I woke up Saturday morning knowing I had to go to the hospital and somehow set up an appointment for physical therapy, but all I had was a brief note from the doctor - in Korean. That's the only communication I could offer anyone once I got there, and I had a feeling no-one would speak English. I didn't know if the hospital I was going to even offered the type of treatment I was prescribed so I was quite unsure about the whole thing.

But I was motivated by sheer pain and discomfort. Every time I moved a sharp pain would shoot through my neck and into my head, and I felt like I was going to vomit. So I headed to the infirmary. Of course I started off on the wrong foot and walked in through Emergency, but they read my note and quickly led me to the main reception area. They took my residency card and did the paperwork for me, and after a couple of minutes a nurse gestured for me to follow her. She led me to an office labeled 'Neurosurgery'. Neurosurgery? Are guys sure you read that note right? I'm pretty sure I just have a few kinks in my back. Operating on my brain probably isn't necessary. I eyed all the escape routes and thought about making a break for it, but being in the physical condition of a 90 year-old wasn't doing me any favours. I walked in and there was a doctor waiting for me. After realizing I couldn't carry a medical-related conversation in Korean, he switched to English and explained he wanted to do intense physical therapy on me - maybe five or six times over the next couple of weeks and would then re-evaluate me. He sent me out with the nurse and she took me back to reception where I paid about $8 for the appointment and the therapy.

Then it was downstairs to the physio ward where I was immediately shown to a private room, hooked up to a machine and given electrotherapy for 30 minutes followed by a ten minute massage. That was it. Game over. No brain surgery. They told me to come back pointed at the calender and showed me when they're open and when I could come back. Feeling much better, I headed outside, jumped crawled in a taxi and headed home. I haven't been able to go back yet but I've been feeling much better - the medication is working.

1 comment:

W.R. Little said...

what drugs are you on?