
What sport is this again?

The Ginthers can return home on Friday knowing they've experienced more of Daegu than most residents of the city do in a lifetime.

On Sunday we went to a professional baseball game - the Samsung Lions v the Hyundai Unicorns. It was a battle of powerful mammals and, as expected, the savage Lions destroyed the mystical, non-existent Unicorns. 7 - 0. Koreans definitely know how to support their team. It felt more like a European football game with songs and chants. A baseball fan I am not but I had a lot of fun, as did everyone else.

As we were watching the game, I noticed a young couple waving at Cate from a few rows in front of us. I encouraged Cate to wave back and of course they loved it. A short while later the woman tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Hello, where are you from?" While she made short conversation in what little English she knew, she handed each of a fresh ice coffee and a big box of chocolates, all of which she had just purchased just for us. It was incredibly generous of her, but after being here for almost four months, I wasn't terribly surprised. People are just nice.

After the game we stopped at Duryu Park and took an elevator 77 storeys up to the top of Woobang Tower. I hadn't realized just how huge and congested this city is. It was a beautiful site - such a massive, chaotic place surrounded by lush green mountains. The photo below shows the Northeast of Daegu.

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